Box caterpillar

Derek writes: The Box hedges and shapes in the Churchyard have been devastated by the Box Wood moth caterpillars.To such an extent that they will have to be removed in the Autumn.Collectively we will then have to decide whether we replant with something else or leave blank.What happens is that the Moth lays its eggs … [Read more…]

July’s working party.

Derek writes: Thank you to the eight people who attended the Churchyard Working party today ( Always the first Monday of the month from 2- 4 p.m.). A lot was achieved. Weeding the gravel edges, cleaning headstones, pruning an overhanging fig, raking grass, clearing an overgrown grave, tidying a Holly trunk and bagging up all the … [Read more…]

A letter from the Palace!

Derek writes: Before the Coronation, Children from St. Margaret’s Sunday Club, wrote acrostic prayers for the King and coloured wooden hearts for the King & Queen.We then sent them to Buckingham Palace, a very easy address to write.10 days ago we then received a signed card from the King & Queen and a letter from … [Read more…]

No Mow May

Derek writes: This is the second year for this initiative, where you leave your grassy areas and don’t cut them for 4 weeks and see what happens.You may discover that all sorts of wildflowers come up and you like the look or not as the case may be so you immediately cut it and get … [Read more…]