extension fund update

Cathy Merry writes: The extension fund now stands close to £219,000, so we are well on our way to reaching our target and providing much needed facilities in St Margaret’s church. Thank you to all who have donated so far, a a special thank you to all the walkers (some of them very young!) who … [Read more…]


Derek Shurvell writes: We thank God for the Harvest and all the Many Blessings we receive from him. The School, Youth Club, Pre – School and the Church congregation have given thanks this weekend and brought their tins and goodies along to St. Margaret’s Church. 26 Harvest Boxes have been distributed around The Parish today … [Read more…]

Grenfell Tower

Our thoughts are with all those who have lost loved ones or are still searching for missing friends and family. In this time of crisis we give thanks for the bravery and self sacrifice of our first responders. For everyone affected in any way in the Grenfell Tower disaster… we are praying for you all. … [Read more…]

Churchwardens’ News – Surviving the Interregnum

Margaret Watson writes:  Surviving the Interregnum Interregnums are never a piece of cake! It can be a frustrating and challenging time – but it can also be a time for us to learn – to keep our church and faith strong – to enjoy supporting, welcoming, encouraging friends, neighbours and visitors to our churches . … [Read more…]