Churchwardens’ News – Surviving the Interregnum

Margaret Watson writes:  Surviving the Interregnum
Interregnums are never a piece of cake! It can be a frustrating and challenging time – but it can also be a time for us to learn – to keep our church and faith strong – to enjoy supporting, welcoming, encouraging friends, neighbours and visitors to our churches .
And remember it is only TEMPORARY.
But we won’t get through it without lots of:
We are in regular communication with the Archdeacon and will keep everyone informed of any news so hang in there and watch this space!
The Vicarage is being temporarily let which is good as the building and grounds are being cared for. This is standard practice during an interregnum.
Meet your Archdeacon The Archdeacon of Horsham, the Venerable Fiona Windsor will be taking the morning service on Sunday 11th June at St Margaret’s at 10am. Why not come along as it will be a great time to meet her. Tea and cakes will be served after the service.
New Treasurer We are delighted to announce that we now have a new treasurer for St Margaret’s Church. Tina Allen, Bursar and Business Manager at West Hoathly Primary School has taken over from Trevor Swainson with effect from the 1st May 2017.