The Big Picnic!

Derek writes: St. Margaret’s Church West Hoathly, is named after St. Margaret of Antioch a 4th century Christian martyr.Her feast Day is July 20th, which is like a birthday for the Church here. It was founded in 1090 so now is 934 years old. Generally we try and celebrate this Birthday month with putting on some … [Read more…]

Spring Fair 2024

Derek writes: A Big thank you to everyone who supported the Spring Fair on 18th May! Stallholders, cake makers, servers, table & chair movers, donations of plants from Gravetye ( thank you Tom ) and Pete & Lorna for their lovely Breakfasts and generous donation to Church funds – thank you all. As it stands … [Read more…]

Sussex in May

Derek writes: It has been said many times, “ No finer place to be than Sussex in May “. What a delight to live in such a beautiful place.The acid, moisture retentive soil enables a wide variety of plants to grow and flourish.Please enjoy the photos below, Rhododendrons, Azaleas and earlier purple orchids. Do get … [Read more…]

Easter Hope Apples

Derek writes: This Year Easter is early, so the village school were still working during Holy Week ( broke up on Thursday afternoon ). The School came into Church on Thursday morning with a good contingent of parents & carers. The Children told the story of Jesus’ last week on earth and His glorious Resurrection … [Read more…]

Congratulations to Derek and Lindsay!

Congratulations to Derek and Lindsay who have been given a Mid Sussex Applauds award for their work with the Emmaus Group! It’s well deserved and we’re all so pleased for you. Derek writes: On Palm Sunday Lindsay & I with 2 guests went to an Awards Tea at the Show Ground, organised by Mid – … [Read more…]