Lent Course 2024

This year’s Lent Course will take place at West Hoathly Vicarage, North Lane RH19 4QF on four Saturdays during Lent. Each session will start at 11.30am and end with the option of staying for a simple lunch.

Rev’d Heather will be leading 4 reflective sessions in Lent based on the book ‘Lent in Plain Sight’ by Jill Duffield – which is a devotion through ten objects.

You can buy the book if you like but you don’t need to as Rev’d Heather will be adapting it to form four sessions and will provide the relevant material for each session. The sessions will each be stand-alone so if you can only make it to one morning that’s fine!

In order that sufficient materials and lunch can be prepared for each session, please let Heather know if you would like to be part of the group and whether you would like to stay on for lunch. Please sign up on the sheet in either church or email: heather.wilkin78@gmail.com or ring 01342 529047.

All sessions begin at 11.30am.

Saturday 24th February
Saturday 2nd March
Saturday 9th March
Saturday 16th March.