Derek writes: St. Margaret’s Church West Hoathly, is named after St. Margaret of Antioch a 4th century Christian martyr.
Her feast Day is July 20th, which is like a birthday for the Church here. It was founded in 1090 so now is 934 years old.
Generally we try and celebrate this Birthday month with putting on some sort of community event.
This year it was the Big Picnic at Finche Field. We were Blessed with perfect weather, a wonderful Brass band ( Warbleton Brass Band ) & magical entertainment provided by Andy Hiccup.
Thank you to all those who came along, 200 or so, providing a lovely atmosphere of eating, chatting, drinking, children playing with lovely music & entertainment, a special way to celebrate a birthday. Next year will be a Street Fair, on Saturday 5th July 12 noon – 4.00 p.m. ( a date for your diary ).“