Sinatra evening

Derek writes: On 19th November we were treated to a wonderful evening at St. Margaret’s Church. Andrew Bourn performed songs by Frank Sinatra & friends, sandwiched between a delicious Ploughman’s supper. Andrew is a consummate professional, with a beautiful voice, smooth talking and excellent time keeping. A memorable evening. Thanks to Ros Williams, Laura, Ruth … [Read more…]


Derek writes: Sunday 27th 2022 is Advent Sunday, 4 Sundays to Christmas a time when the Church Community reflect on the arrival and coming of great importance, the Birth of Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Part of our preparations is to worship and sing Hymns & carols which we will do on Sunday 11th December at Carols in the … [Read more…]

Teas at Sharpthorne Hall next Saturday.

Derek writes: Next Saturday 15th October we are holding the first of a new venture at the recently redecorated & re- furnished Sharpthorne Hall. Tea @ 3.00 p.m. Tea will consist of i) Selection of sandwiches ii) Cake & cup cakes ii) Scone, jam & cream. The cost is £10 per head, please book your … [Read more…]

Priming the watering cans

Derek writes:  Anyone using the tap at St. Margaret’s will know that the water flow is a dribble coming out of the tap. Hopefully one day when the new facilities arrive the water will gush out. But for the moment it teaches us a good lesson I think. Usually there are 2 watering cans there … [Read more…]