Did you know?

Derek writes: Did you know that Monday to Friday it rains for 5% of the time and thus 95% of the time IT IS DRY.As a gardener I work outside all the time and take quite an interest in the weather and rainfall in particular.This past year, after dry weather for the first 8 months … [Read more…]

Thank you!

Derek writes: Thank you to the 9 willing volunteers who worked in the Churchyard on Monday afternoon for a couple of hours. Shrubs were pruned, headstones cleaned, ivy & brambles removed and ground prepared for seed sowing. plus time for chatting, drinking tea and eating mince pies. Do come and join us. The next working … [Read more…]

Churchyard working party – 5th December.

Derek writes: Monthly on the first Monday of the month 2 – 4.0 p.m. a small group gather in the Churchyard to undertake jobs that normally wouldn’t get done. Last month it was planting bulbs, clearing around graves and clearing up a snapped off branch.There is always plenty to do. We stop for tea & … [Read more…]

The green green grass of home

Derek writes:Recently we had a small crack in the Nursery water main. We contacted the water company and waited for it to be repaired. We then went on holiday and or course the main burst fully whilst we were away. 2 days past before it was turned off and then subsequently mended. The water wasn’t … [Read more…]