Churchyard Working Party, February.

Churchyard working party. On a wet and blustery morning at the end of February a hardy , stalwart group of 4 braved the conditions to: prune a rather overgrown Hydrangea, clear up storm damage to a Scots pine and continue cutting overgrown turf around grave edging. We meet on the last Friday of the month from … [Read more…]

January’s Churchyard Working Party

Derek writes: On a bright morning, a small but enthusiastic group set about pruning, clearing and digging round grave edging. Important work is always completed on these mornings, helping to keep the Churchyard reasonably tidy and push back untouched areas. Willing hands & feet are always much appreciated – everyone’s welcome to join in.  No expertise is … [Read more…]

November’s Working Party

On Friday 29th November, a beautifully sunny day after 3 days of grey and rain, an enthusiastic bunch had a good clear out of the drainage gulley on the South side of the Church. Also work cutting back the sods around the grave edges continued a pace. There’s no December working party so the next working … [Read more…]