rbl flower show 2019

West Hoathly Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show Saturday 24th August 2019.

Classes are free to enter with prize money for all classes and special bonus money in sections.


Special Cookery and Craft classes for children – two age categories, eleven and under and twelve to sixteen years old – with cups for the most points and the best children’s exhibit.  A new class for the best decorated rock.


Over a dozen trophies to win in a multitude of classes ranging from vegetables, handicrafts, cookery and floral art to three fresh eggs on a plate.  Bring your jams, jellies, crochets, photos and home grown produce to compete against your neighbours for the chance to own some splendid silverware for the year.

Hard copies of the schedule may be obtained from Gary Coxall 01342 810 697 & Laurie Gausden 01342 810751 or downloaded from the links below.

Download your schedule by clicking here

Download your entry form by clicking here


Thank you very much to St Margaret’s West Hoathly for lending us some cyberspace to post the schedule and entry form.