Derek writes: In preparation for resuming bell ringing at St. Margaret’s Church, 4 ringers met to check the bells were in good ringing condition and nothing had been nibbling the ropes.
As it happened we were met with a surprising sight. The mesh over the tower louvered windows had rusted and the Jackdaws had forced their way in, flying through the slats.
Fortunately all the hatchlings and adults had vacated the belfry leaving their enormous nest.
Would any one like to count the sticks we removed ? It must have been well over a thousand, what a labour of love flying back and forth, let alone finding the sticks in the first place.
New mesh has been fitted and the bells are waiting to be rung.
A new twist on the saying “ When the cat’s away the mice will play”!

On the left is the nest in situ, with a bell at the top of the photo. Then on the right you can see the mass of sticks after their removal.