All are welcome to join us for our ‘Food for thought’ lunches on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. We meet at 12.30 at the Sharpthorne Hall to share a simple but tasty lunch of soup and sandwiches or baked potatoes followed by cake and fruit. £2.50 is requested to cover costs. Over tea/coffee we listen to a short talk offering us ‘food for thought’.
Can you help with organising these monthly lunches? Or possibly with a regular tea and cake afternoon on a weekday in church instead? If so please speak to Cathy (810771) or our churchwardens, Erica or Margaret.
If you would like to know more, need a lift to the lunches or would like to help out in the kitchen, call Cathy Merry on 01342 810771.
Come and join us!
Debbie from Wildlife A & E came to talk to us with her owl, Ozzie, and an orphaned baby rabbit at a recent lunch
Debbie feeding a baby rabbit
Songs at Christmas time