electoral roll 2023

Every five years we are required to create a completely new Electoral roll before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.  Forms are available to download here or via the photo link below or you can collect a form from church.  Please make sure to return your form in time to be included. The deadline this year is 25th April.

Please make sure you tick the GDPR box on the back so we can keep in touch with you.

If you have any queries please contact your electoral roll officer.

St. Margaret’s: Duncan Dunsmore-Rouse 01342 810 509.

What is the electoral roll and why should I  join?
The electoral roll is open to all those aged 16 and over who have been baptised  in the Church of England and who consider the church in question their spiritual home. It gives you a vote at the Annual Parocchial Church Meeting where you can have your say on how your church is run and it allows you to stand for the PCC.
It’s not compulsory for regular worshippers to be on the roll and membership doesn’t confer any obligation, however the size of the PCC and our number of Deanery Synod representatives are decided by how many worshippers are on the electoral roll. 

St. Margaret’s Electoral Roll Form.