Derek writes: This Year Easter is early, so the village school were still working during Holy Week ( broke up on Thursday afternoon ).
The School came into Church on Thursday morning with a good contingent of parents & carers. The Children told the story of Jesus’ last week on earth and His glorious Resurrection on that first Easter morning. I gave a short talk explaining the visual aid we had made called an Easter Hope Apple, which reminds us of Jesus’ Crucifixion on Good Friday and His Glorious Resurrection. All the School children took an Apple home, to show their families and light the candle on Easter Day.
Easter Hope Apples.
Apple: Represents our fallen World ( Adam & Eve in the garden of Eden ).
Red Cross: Jesus dying on a cross of wood.
3 cocktail sticks: Nails which fixed Jesus to the cross.
Candle: The Risen Jesus on Easter Sunday.
Hope: Through the death & Resurrection of Jesus we are restored to God our Father. Trust & Believe.