Derek writes: On Good Friday 20 of us gathered at Sharpthorne Hall to mark this special day when we remember the death of Jesus on the cross.
We made Easter Hope Apples a Good Friday equivalent of the Christingle, a familiar symbol of our Christmas celebrations.

The Apple tells us a story.
The Apple is a reminder that sin in the garden of Eden separated us from God.
The 3 nails used to nail Jesus brutally to the wooden cross.
Pieces of bread & grapes, the last supper when Jesus tells his Disciples that his body will be broken on the cross like bread and his blood will be shed like wine.
A red cross, the blood of Jesus shed on the cross.
White cloth, the towel used to dry the Disciples feet & be a servant to all and the neatly folded grave clothes.
Finally the candle, the light of the Risen Jesus, lit on Easter Sunday and seen here with the Pascal candle in St. Margaret’s Church.
No wonder we call it the Easter Hope Apple, Eternal Life for everyone when we say yes to Jesus as our Lord & Saviour.